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Use of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)


Use of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)



application area




1. Building mortar plastering mortar




High water retention can make the cement fully hydrated, significantly increase the bonding strength, and at the same time properly improve the tensile elongation and shear strength, greatly improve the construction effect and improve the work efficiency.












2. Water-resistant putty




In the putty, cellulose ether is mainly used for water retention, bonding and lubrication, to avoid cracks and dehydration caused by rapid water loss, and to enhance the adhesion of the putty and reduce sagging during construction, which is a smooth and successful construction. 3. Plaster series




In the gypsum series products, cellulose ether mainly plays the role of water retention, thickening, lubrication, etc., and has a certain retarding effect, which solves the problems of bulging and initial strength not reaching during the construction process, and can extend the working time.



4. Interface agent




Mainly used as a thickener, it can improve tensile strength and shear strength, improve surface coating, enhance adhesion and bond strength.



5. The cellulose ether of the external wall thermal insulation mortar plays a key role in bonding and increasing the strength of this material, which is that the sand will be easier to apply, improve the work efficiency, and have the effect of anti-sagging. The higher water retention performance can extend the working time of the mortar, improve the anti-shrinkage and anti-cracking properties, improve the surface quality, and improve the bonding strength.



6. Tile adhesive




With high water retention, it is not necessary to soak or wet the ceramic tile and base in advance, which can significantly improve its bonding strength. The slurry can have a long construction period, exquisite, uniform, convenient construction, and good moisture resistance.




7. Joint filler and trench agent




The addition of cellulose ether provides good edge adhesion, low shrinkage, and high wear resistance, protecting the base material from mechanical damage and avoiding the impact of penetration on the entire building. 8. DC flat material




The stable adhesion of cellulose ether ensures good fluidity and self-leveling ability, and controls the water retention rate to enable it to quickly solidify, reduce cracking and shrinkage.




9. Emulsion paint




In the coating industry, cellulose ether can be used as a film-forming agent, thickener, emulsifier and stabilizer, so that its film has good abrasion resistance, uniform coating, adhesion, PH to improve surface tension is qualitative, and its miscibility with organic solvents is also good. Its high water retention performance makes it have good brushability and smoothness.




10. Honeycomb pottery




In the new honeycomb ceramics, the green body is endowed with lubricity, water retention and strength improvement.



Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) products are the most widely consumed field in China, which is the suspension polymerization of ethylene chloride. In the floating polymerization of vinyl chloride (VC), the dispersion system directly affects the quality of PVC resin and its processing and products; Improve the thermal stability of the resin and control the particle size distribution (i.e. adjust the density of PVC). The amount of HPMC accounts for 0.025% - 0.03% of the PVC output. The PVC resin prepared by high quality HPMC can not only ensure that its performance conforms to international standards, but also have good apparent physical properties, excellent particle properties and excellent melt rheological behavior.




At present, the quality of domestic hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether products has reached the import level.




In addition, according to the research, in the production process of PVC, the dispersion system of each enterprise is different, and the properties of the PVC outer film produced are also different, which affects the processing performance of PVC resin. In the composite dispersant system, the effect of the suspended PVC resin prepared by the composite dispersant of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) with different alcoholysis and polymerization degrees on the processing performance has been tested. The results show that KP-08 or KZ-04 with alcoholysis degrees of 68% - 75% and HPMC have better combination, which is beneficial to the resin porosity and the absorption of plasticizer.